Boom Box Media Brochure 2010
This A5 landscape brochure is one of a series of promotional pieces for Boomerang Media’s various advertising environments in 2010. This one highlights the benefits of advertising in schools via a ‘Boom Box’ - a cardboard dispenser that can hold postcards, badges and other relevant media.
As well as guiding the creative direction and carrying out the design work (including major image manipulation), I also created custom vector ‘doodles’, which now form the basis of the Boom Box media branding.
Magic at your fingertips
Magic Boomerang Website 2010
This project reinvigorated the Magic Boomerang brand - what was previously a photo products site became primarily a powerful yearbook editing tool, but with great extra features. Users are able to share photos, edit the same project from different locations and email virtual versions of their creations to their friends.
Particular focus was given to homepage functionality and keeping the site simple. This website also required custom made icons to be used throughout the site.
South Africa World Cup 2010 - harnessing the power of the audience
Goals Media Brochure 2010
This A5 landscape brochure is one of a series of promotional pieces for Boomerang Media’s various advertising environments in 2010. This one highlights the benefits of advertising within Goals 5 a-side soccer centres during the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa, yet without encroaching under the rigorous copyright blanket laid over the event.
Cheeky Monkeys and Chunky Hunkies
Boomerang Yearbooks Postcards 2007
Set of four interactive postcards placed in racks in schools across the UK. These postcards were aimed at school leavers, and intended to get them thinking about what they could include in their yearbooks under the tagline of ‘What would you put in yours?’. The students were encouraged to write someone’s name, a confession or draw a picture on the cards.
"You've got red on you"
Cinema Quote Cards 2007
A set of postcards for Boomerang Media’s ‘Cinema Quote’ series. These were available in cinema foyer postcard racks across the UK.
Meet the Mites
Flick Mites - Character Illustrations 2007
These vector characters were initially doodled ideas for a t-shirt design, but ended up as a set of 3 postcards showing iconic characters from movie films. They were released in Boomerang postcard racks in cinema foyers across the UK. Each card had 16 mites on, and with the addition of Marv from Sin City, the set of 50 was completed for an A3 poster and a website. They proved to be a popular ‘guess the film’ game.